The Global TV Deck – arming advertisers with latest TV effectiveness evidence


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Background information

This week’s egtabite gives us a peek into the latest update of The Global TV Deck. This brand-new research collection is indispensable for marketers seeking to make the most informed decisions regarding their ad investments – illustrating how TV drives business outcomes and provides them with the best leverage for their marketing activities.

The new collection is the work of the Global TV Group – the informal grouping of broadcasters’ and sales houses’ trade bodies in Europe, the USA, Canada, Australia and Latin America. The joint objective of the group is to promote television and remind advertisers, journalists, tech gurus, agencies and industry peers about the effectiveness and popularity of TV.

In 2017, on the occasion of World Television Day, TV broadcasters and trade bodies from around the world joined together for the first time to release The Global TV Deck – a collection of global figures demonstrating TV’s resilience and strength as an advertising medium.

The compendium of slides with insights from over 19 countries was designed to meet the needs of advertisers eager for transparent, reliable data and fresh insights. Areas covered in this global databank include TV’s reach, popularity, resilience, trust and impact, and effectiveness.

Indispensable and relevant

With regular updates since its initial launch, the Global TV Deck has remained an essential and relevant tool for TV companies and advertisers alike – even expanding the number of contributing countries to 26.

For 2021,  three topical updates have been planned, with each section coordinated by one Global TV Group member. The first update on how TV drives business outcomes was released in early May.  It was coordinated by Screenforce Germany in collaboration with the egta team.

Two more updates are currently in the works: an update on TV’s reach and ad consumption, coordinated by Thinkbox in the UK, which would be released before the summer months. A third update on FAANGs and D2C’s investments in TV, centralised by the Video Advertising Bureau in the US, will be released in September.

TV offers icons

TV drives business outcomes

The first update was made available to the entire industry in early May. The compendium gathers research summaries from various countries. It covers critical studies as “The Halo Effect: TV As A Growth Engine” (VAB/Effectv), “Not all reach is equal” (Screenforce DACH/Karen Nelson-Field), “TV Drives Advertising Effectiveness that Lasts” (Accenture/thinktv Canada), “Profitability: The Business Case for Advertising” (Thinkbox/Ebiquity/Gain Theory) – and more.

“Reaching out to the various markets, verifying the data, summarising and harmonising everything graphically and preparing a communication strategy has been a work of many long weeks. The work done on this by Martin Krapf, the Global TV Group’s Vice-President, and Uschi Durant, the Head of Joint TV Marketing at Screenforce, has been invaluable, and we couldn’t be prouder of the overall results and enthusiastic reactions from the industry,” says Alain Beerens, Marketing and Communication Manager at egta.

The vast amount of industry-audited data and transparent figures will allow marketers to dig deeper than ever before and turn data into valuable insights.

Sean Cunningham, President of The Global TV Group and CEO & President of the VAB, adds:

“Advertisers choose TV for the most important role in their marketing plans, that of ‘lead outcomes driver. To best achieve the full range of business results – from quickly activating customer traffic at scale to securing brand loyalty beyond reason, whatever is most mission-critical to sales goals and brand goals should be trusted to TV.”

The Global TV Deck can be freely downloaded on the Global TV Group website. We invite the entire egta membership to share this deck widely.